Monday, February 6, 2012

Macbeth Act 4


Scene 1

31.       List the four apparitions and the message each one brings.

1) Armed head: it gives the message to Macbeth to beware of Macduff.
2) Bloody child: it symbolizes Macduff as an infant. It gives the message that Macbeth will not be harmed from any man of woman born.
3) Child crowned bearing a tree in it hand: It symbolizes Macduff. It gives the message to Macbeth that he will not be defeated before Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.
4) Apparitions of a line of kings: It all resembles Banquo, which brings the message that Banquo’s son will be the next king and Macbeth will be killed.

Scene 2

32.       Why does Macbeth having Macduff’s wife, son and household killed?

Macbeth’s hired assassins to kill Macduff’s family because his suspicion toward Macduff grows immensely and he tries to get rid of any threat that could be posed on him. Also Macbeth finds out that Macduff turned against him by joining with Malcolm and does the heinous act.

Scene 3

33.       What state is Scotland in with Macbeth as king? How does this compare to England under Edward?

Scotland with Macbeth in king is very bad and chaotic. As shown in “But cruel are the times, when we are traitors/ And do not know ourselves, when we hold rumour / From what we fear, yet know not what we fear, / But float upon a wild and violent sea / Each way and move”, Scotland has changed for the worse. However it compares to the peace and good state that England is in under Edward. This difference shows the divine right of the King as the person who was not supposedly appointed to be the king (Macbeth) makes the country go wrong and the person who was appointed to be the king (Edward) rules the country in peace.

34.       How does Malcolm test Macduff’s loyalty? Why is this important?

Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty by asking him questions and challenging him with weird suggestions. Malcolm says that he will do tyrannical acts when he becomes the king. However Malcolm answers that he will still help Malcolm to be the king, but would be sad for Scotland. This is important because it shows Macduff’s eagerness to be against Macbeth. Also it shows Macduff’s patriotism and loyalty to Scotland over self motivations.

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